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    HealthGevity Admin posted in the group Longevity

    6 months, 2 weeks ago

    Large study finds brain training can reduce falls in older adults

    It’s fall in your head – new 10-year study demonstrates brain training reduces fall risk.
    New results from a large 10-year study show fall risk and incidence in older adults can be significantly reduced through a modest amount of a particular kind of computerized brain training [1]. The brain training used in the research is found exclusively in BrainHQ, a brain training app made by Posit Science.

    Longevity.Technology: Falls are a major health concern for older adults, with the incidence of falls increasing with age. This is due to a combination of age-related changes in physical function, including declines in strength, balance and mobility, as well as underlying medical conditions and medications that can affect these factors; in addition, cognitive impairment and decline can also contribute to falls. Falls can have serious consequences for healthspan, including injuries such as fractures and head trauma, as well as psychological impacts such as fear of falling and social isolation. In addition, falls contribute to the development of frailty, a state of increased vulnerability to adverse health outcomes.

    With an increasingly older population, falls are becoming a significant public health issue and a burden on healthcare provision. In fact, the Centers for Disease Control reports that each year one in four seniors experiences a fall, resulting in about 3 million emergency room visits with consequences (including hip fractures and brain injuries) costing the health system about $50 billion. Preventive measures, such as exercise programs and medication reviews, are crucial to reducing the incidence of falls and improving health outcomes for older adults. In addition, maintaining cognitive ability through brain training exercises can be an effective strategy to prevent falls among older adults.


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