Naima Hassa (Algeria) posted in the group Longevity Events
Event: The Longevity Drug
Date: Mar 28, 2024
Time: 6:00 pm EST (11:00 pm UTC)
Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZMtf-qsrD0iHtMTdr4st_4hq0wpiX0zWaPt#/registration
Ben Azadi presents, Intermittent Fasting, Dr. Joseph Purita presents, Intermittent Hypoxia therapy and mitochondrial health and our founder, Bill Faloon provides A New Age Reversal Update.Description
Join us at 6:00 pm EST (11:00 pm UTC) for Perpetual Life Hybrid Party live from our location and on Zoom with hosts, Tonya Scholz & Rudi Hoffman. Socialize with Immortalists from Around the World! Stay “In Zoom” for our 7:00 pm (12:00 am-midnight UTC) YouTube Streaming Service with two guest speakers, author & founder of Keto Kam, Ben Azadi, presents Intermittent Fasting, Dr. Joseph Purita presents, Intermittent Hypoxia therapy and mitochondrial health and our founder, Bill Faloon provides A New Age Reversal Update. About Ben Azadi Ben has over 16 years of experience in the health industry, and he’s the author of four bestselling books, including his latest, Keto Flex. Ben has been the go-to source for intermittent fasting and the ketogenic diet since 2013. Ben is the founder of Keto Kamp; a global brand bringing awareness to ancient healing strategies such as the keto diet and fasting. Ben is a keynote speaker who delivered a keynote lecture for Ketocon 2022, 2023, and 2024; and he’s been featured in Forbes, LA Weekly, Disrupt Magazine, NY Times Mag, LA Entertainment Weekly and other publications. About Dr. Purita Dr. Purita graduated from Georgetown University Medical School and served his surgical internship at the University of Florida Medical Center. Following completion of a residency in orthopedic surgery at University of Miami-Jackson Memorial Hospital, where he served as chief administrative resident, Dr. Purita joined the Boca Raton Orthopedic Group in 1981. He is a pioneer in the use of Stem Cell and Platelet Rich Plasma for orthopedic conditions. Dr. Purita has lectured internationally on five continents regarding the healing effects of stem cells and has been instrumental in helping some countries design their policies concerning the use of regenerative medicine effectively bringing this unique and advanced practice to more practices throughout the world. Dr. Purita’s passion lies in teaching and advancing regenerative medicine techniques and procedures
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