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Davi Padilha MesquitaOffline

  • Profile picture of Davi Padilha Mesquita

    Davi Padilha Mesquita posted in the group Healthgevity in English

    8 months ago

    Hello, everyone!

    I have an interesting in working in the longevity area, so I could both make a living now and helping to make a living for a longer time (extension of my life time). I have a background in bioinformatics and programming, and I mostly work with development of web-based systems, including for telemedicine/telehealth, and I am starting to study artificial intelligence with neural networks. Is there any suggestions of places to look for jobs in the area, or do anyone knows a company which could use someone with my skills, preferably remote and part-time? (because I am already engaged in a few projects I could not at the moment take a full time position, since I can’t left my clients without my services now, but I am open to talk about any remote possibility)

    Thanks in advance


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