• Profile picture of George Barahona (Venezuela)

    George Barahona (Venezuela)

    12 months ago


    The blue zones its a term popularized by several research in the Life Extension area and refers to geographical zones when the people life spam its more extensive as another part.

    American Journalist and Author Dan Buettner write a book and produce a TV series called Life 100 years the secret of the Blue zones.

    The TV Series show focused in the large life spam present by the population of 5 villages in the world, they are:

    • Ikaria, Greece
    • Loma Linda, California
    • Sardinia, Italy
    • Okinawa, Japan
    • Nicoya, Costa Rica

    The common research show the following common points in this:

    • Nice weather
    • Mediterrean diet
    • Lower stress
    • Doing exercises

    The average life more of 93 years in this part of the world.

    But the extensive life its not only a quality of blue zones.

    In the middle of 2022 twelve brothers from canary island make history breaking a guiness record of mote family live outlive 1200 years.

    That only are few examples of how the human acknowledgment search the immortality

    This quest only began.


    The blue zones its a term popularized by several research in the Life Extension area and refers to geographical zones when the people life spam its more extensive as another part.

    American Journalist and Author Dan Buettner write a book and produce a TV series called Life 100 years the secret of the Blue zones.

    The TV Series show focused in the large life spam present by the population of 5 villages in the world, they are:

    • Ikaria, Greece
    • Loma Linda, California
    • Sardinia, Italy
    • Okinawa, Japan
    • Nicoya, Costa Rica

    The common research show the following common points in this:

    • Nice weather
    • Mediterrean diet
    • Lower stress
    • Doing exercises

    The average life more of 93 years in this part of the world.

    But the extensive life its not only a quality of blue zones.

    In the middle of 2022 twelve brothers from canary island make history breaking a guiness record of mote family live outlive 1200 years.

    That only are few examples of how the human acknowledgment search the immortality

    This quest only began.


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