• Profile picture of HealthGevity Admin

    HealthGevity Admin posted in the group Longevity

    6 months, 2 weeks ago

    New investor offers funding to healthy aging innovators

    A fifth investor has joined UK Research and Innovation (UKRI), providing matched funding for top small innovators to develop ideas for healthy aging.
    The new investor in the healthy aging innovation is London-based Nesta; describing themselves as an “impact investor”, Nesta works on three missions: a fairer start, a healthy life and a sustainable future.

    Longevity.Technology: The British Government is a great believer in the role technology can play in improving healthcare in the UK. However, many innovative companies lack the scale to bring real innovation to market. UKRI’s healthy aging investment partnership aims to inject the required capital to help some of the most promising businesses bring their innovations to market; the partnership does this by combining government funding and private investment in business-led research and development, supporting innovators to produce products and services for healthy aging that can be adopted at scale. Vitally, the government contribution de-risks the private sector investment, allowing cutting edge innovation to prosper.

    The latest investor addition brings the total funding available under the programme to £18 million of grant funding and £18 million of equity investment available.

    New investor offers funding to healthy aging innovators


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