This is my favorite Greek myth. It is the myth of Tithonus, who was tortured by immortality instead of enjoying it. This is the essence of the myth and it is full of wisdom:
Tithonus, in Greek legend, son of Laomedon, king of Troy, and of Strymo, daughter of the river Scamander. Eos (Aurora) fell in love with Tithonus and took him to Ethiopia, where she bore Emathion and Memnon. According to the Homeric Hymn to Aphrodite, when Eos asked Zeus to grant Tithonus eternal life, the god consented. But Eos forgot to ask also for eternal youth, so her husband grew old and withered. In a later version Tithonus was transformed into a cicada. The poem “Tithonus” by English poet Alfred, Lord Tennyson, famously begins:The woods decay, the woods decay and fall,
The vapours weep their burthen to the ground,
Man comes and tills the field and lies beneath,
And after many a summer dies the swan.
Me only cruel immortality
Consumes; I wither slowly in thine arms.
What is the benefit of living endlessly without enjoying health? This is what HGN seeks, to remind the human being of the importance of what Eos did not notice ( it’s Healthgevity)
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